Go Beyond | TDI

TDI | Technical Diving with S’Algar in Menorca
Scuba Diving has changed a great deal since Victor Berge, Jacques-Yves Cousteau or Hans Hass, just to name a few Pioneers of diving. Since yesteryear, we have perfected material, developed new techniques, learned a lot about physical and medical consequences to the way we dive and actions we take underwater, designed a whole range of¨toys¨ such as cameras and torches to help us capture the beauty that lies beneath, learned how to mix gasses to allow us to stay underwater longer, to go deeper…
Recreational Scuba Diving today is widely available and accessible to nearly everybody between the ages of 8 – 99. The diving community is growing and so is the number of divers who would like to take the next step up, from Rec to Tec.
TDI | Go Beyond
At Salgar Diving, we offer a range of TDI – Courses. José Moya (Pepe), the owner of Salgar Diving has a vast experience and knowledge of all things tec. His passion for wreck, deep, rebreather, and mixed gas diving is tangible. If you are thinking about going Tec for the first time, or expand your already acquired knowledge even further, Pepe is your man.